IELTS Speaking part 1
IELTS speaking part 1 is the first part of your speaking test and as you enter the test room the examiner might starts greeting you and maybe making some jokes to alleviate you stress – Examiners are always welcoming and friendly- . After a while she/he will ask you if you are ready to start or not. No worries , be relax and if you say “yes” he will start the test by pushing on a record button on his recording device. [This recording is because your speaking score could be recorded in your file by the British council and If you probably will not be satisfied about your score that is announced to you after 12 to 13 days ,your voice and speaking ability can be reassessed by other examiners as well. Of course you will be charged for this . But if you get a higher mark in the second time your money will be refunded to you.]
In this part of the test you be asked some common daily spoken topics and you should give some answers.